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Exploring the oxygen isotope fingerprint of Dansgaard-Oeschger variability and Heinrich events
We present the first transient simulations of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) performed with an oxygen isotope-enabled climate model. Our simulations span several Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles and three Heinrich stadials and are directly compared with oxygen isotope records from 13 sediment and 2 ice cores. Our results are consistent with a 30-50% weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Dansgaard-Oeschger stadials and a complete shutdown during Heinrich stadials. We find that the simulated delta O-18 anomalies differ significantly between Heinrich stadials and non-Heinrich stadials. This difference is mainly due to different responses in ocean circulation, and therefore climate, impacting oceanic delta O-18, while the volume of O-18-depleted meltwater plays a secondary role.
MIS3, Model-data comparison, Heinrich events, Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles, delta O-18, AMOC