JERICO-NEXT. Marine biological data: quality control and management practices. D5.4

This report is part of the JERICO-NEXT WP5 on data management. The first objective is the description of the general biological data management practices. This aims at providing procedures and methodologies to enable data collected through the project to comply with the international standards regarding their quality and metadata. The second objective is to focus on the details of biological data quality control.
This report is seen as a living document that can be amended during the course of the project to incorporate progressive insights or in light of specific emerging needs.

How to cite
Tyberghein L., Claus S., Deneudt K. (2017). JERICO-NEXT. Marine biological data: quality control and management practices. D5.4. Ref. JERICO-NEXT-WP5-D5.4-200217-V4.

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