Numerical and experimental modeling of offshore wind energy capture: Application to reduced scale model testing

Horizontal axis wind turbines installed on board floating supports stand among the principles of offshore wind energy capture. This document describes the experimental device and methodology for analyzing the performance of a reduced scale model of a 12 MW horizontal axis floating wind turbine. The particularity of this turbine is that it is mounted on a floater conceived according to Eolink’s concept, where several masts connect the nacelle with the floater. The tests are performed at Ifremer’s ocean basin. For that purpose, a wind generator and a model at scale 1:50 are developed. The experimental results are compared with numerical estimations obtained with the blade element momentum method.


Offshore wind energy, model testing, horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT), floating bodies, pitch angle, blade element momentum

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How to cite
Doisenbant Gonzalo, Le Boulluec Marc, Scolan Y-M, Guyot M. (2018). Numerical and experimental modeling of offshore wind energy capture: Application to reduced scale model testing. Wind Engineering. 42 (2). 108-114.,

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