Prediction of long-term variation in offspring metabolism due to BPA in eggs in rainbow trout using the DEB model

Bisphenol A (BPA) in eggs prior to fertilization was found to induce long-term metabolic disturbances in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss  ). Here we describe these imprinting effects in a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) framework, which allows interpretation of the data in an energy allocation context. First, DEB parameters for control rainbow trout were optimized using data extracted from 12 studies in the literature. Several modes of action on DEB parameters were then tested in order to correctly predict weight differences observed in rainbow trout in response to 5 different concentrations of BPA in eggs prior to fertilization. Reduced energy conductance v̇ at day 0, followed by an exponential recovery, was found to closely fit the experimental data. Effects on v̇ lasted beyond the disappearance of the chemical from the body, suggesting an imprinting effect of BPA on energy mobilization from the reserve. Our model predicts that early changes in DEB parameters lead to permanent and irreversible impairment of the metabolic growth acceleration in rainbow trout.

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How to cite
Sadoul Bastien, Augustine S., Zimmer E., Begout Marie-Laure, Vijayan M. M. (2019). Prediction of long-term variation in offspring metabolism due to BPA in eggs in rainbow trout using the DEB model. Journal Of Sea Research. 143. 222-230.,

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