Loss of coral reef growth capacity to track future increases in sea level
Sea-level rise (SLR) is predicted to elevate water depths above coral reefs and to increase coastal wave exposure as ecological degradation limits vertical reef growth, but projections lack data on interactions between local rates of reef growth and sea level rise. Here we calculate the vertical growth potential of more than 200 tropical western Atlantic and Indian Ocean reefs, and compare these against recent and projected rates of SLR under different Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. Although many reefs retain accretion rates close to recent SLR trends, few will have the capacity to track SLR projections under RCP4.5 scenarios without sustained ecological recovery, and under RCP8.5 scenarios most reefs are predicted to experience mean water depth increases of more than 0.5 m by 2100. Coral cover strongly predicts reef capacity to track SLR, but threshold cover levels that will be necessary to prevent submergence are well above those observed on most reefs. Urgent action is thus needed to mitigate climate, sea-level and future ecological changes in order to limit the magnitude of future reef submergence.
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Supplementary Table 1 - Field data and accretion. The file contains location data for all sites along with transect level data on measured rates of carbonate production and bioerosion, and resultant..
316 Ko
Supplementary Table 2 - Recent and projected SLR rates. File contains recent and projected rates of SLR for each study region.
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Supplementary Table 3 - Accretion-SLR interactions and projected increases in water depths. File contains data on calculated differences between accretion rates and recent and projected rates of sea..
Perry Chris T., Alvarez-Filip Lorenzo, Graham Nicholas A. J., Mumby Peter J., Wilson Shaun K., Kench Paul S., Manzello Derek P., Morgan Kyle M., Slangen Aimee B. A., Thomson Damian P., Januchowski-Hartley Fraser, Smithers Scott G., Steneck Robert S., Carlton Renee, Edinger Evan N., Enochs Ian C., Estrada-Saldivar Nuria, Haywood Michael D. E., Kolodziej Graham, Murphy Gary N., Perez-Cervantes Esmeralda, Suchley Adam, Valentino Lauren, Boenish Robert, Wilson Margaret, Macdonald Chancey (2018). Loss of coral reef growth capacity to track future increases in sea level. Nature. 558 (7710). 396-400. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0194-z, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00448/55978/