Updated calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer in planktonic and benthic foraminifera

Accurate reconstruction of past ocean temperatures is of critical importance to paleoclimatology. Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry (“Δ47”) is a relatively recent technique based on the strong relationship between calcification temperature and the statistical excess of 13C-18O bonds in carbonates. Its application to foraminifera holds great scientific potential, particularly because Δ47 paleotemperature reconstructions do not require assumptions regarding the 18O composition of seawater. However there are still relatively few published observations investigating the potential influence of parameters such as salinity or foraminiferal size and species. We present a new calibration data set based on 234 replicate analyses of 9 planktonic and 2 benthic species of foraminifera collected from recent core-top sediments, with calcification temperatures ranging from -2 to 25 °C. We observe a strong relationship between Δ47 values and independent, oxygen-18 estimates of calcification temperatures:

Δ47 = 41.63 x 103 / T2 + 0.2056

The formal precision of this regression (±0.7-1.0 °C at 95 % confidence level) is much smaller than typical analytical errors. Our observations confirm the absence of significant species-specific biases or salinity effects. We also investigate potential foraminifer size effects between 200 and > 560 μm in 6 species, and conclude that all size fractions from a given core-top location and species display statistically undistinguishable Δ47 values. These findings provide a robust foundation for future inter-laboratories comparisons and paleoceanographic applications.


Carbonate clumped isotopes, Foraminifera, Paleothermometry

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How to cite
Peral Marion, Daeron Mathieu, Blamart Dominique, Bassinot Franck, Dewilde Fabien, Smialkowski Nicolas, Isguder Gulay, Bonnin Jerome, Jorissen Frans, Kissel Catherine, Michel Elisabeth, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Waelbroeck Claire (2018). Updated calibration of the clumped isotope thermometer in planktonic and benthic foraminifera. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 239. 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2018.07.016, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00450/56134/

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