Gas Hydrates 2 : Geoscience Issues and Potential Industrial Applications

In recent years, interest for clathrate hydrates has increased, motivated both by their fascinating physiochemical and thermophysical properties and their industrial and practical promises in various areas of application.
Following the 2017 publication of Volume 1, which focused on fundamental aspects, modeling and characterization methods, this volume gathers a series of contributions addressing the natural occurrence of clathrate hydrates in sediments on Earth, with implications for the methane cycle, geohazards and energy resources, and then a few promising industrial applications.
This volume is intended for scientists, PhD students and engineers who wish to start working on clathrate hydrates and/or want to acquire general knowledge in this area. It presents, in a simple way, the approach commonly used to investigate marine gas hydrates and details numerical models to describe the geochemical and geomechanical dynamics of such systems. The volume ends with state of the art reviews on the promises and challenges of using clathrate hydrates in technologically important areas: cold storage and distribution, and geological storage in marine sediments of carbon dioxide and its capture from gaseous, methane-rich streams.

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Introduction Part 1
10430 Ko
Chapter 1 Water Column Acoustics: Remote Detection of Gas Seeps
101 Mo
Chapter 2. Geophysical Approach
105 Mo
Chapter 3. Hydrate Seismic Detection
61 Mo
Chapter 4. Geomorphology of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Pockmark
101 Mo
Chapter 5. Geotechnics
82 Mo
Chapter 6. Geochemistry
281 Mo
Chapter 7. Benthic Ecosystem Study
3611 Mo
Chapter 8. Physicochemical Properties of Gas Hydrate-bearing Sediments
425 Mo
Chapter 9. Small-scale Laboratory Studies of Key Geotechnical Properties which are Not Possible to Measure from In Situ Deployed Technologies
12615 Ko
Part 2. Modeling of Gas Hydrate-bearing Sediments and Case Studies - Chapter 10. Geomechanical Aspects
423 Mo
Chapter 11. Geochemical Aspects
242 Mo
Part 3. Geoscience and Industrial Applications - Chapter 12. Biogeochemical Dynamics of the Giant Pockmark Regab
2410 Mo
Chapter 13. Roles of Gas Hydrates for CO2 Geological Storage Purposes
182 Mo
Chapter 14. Hydrate-Based Removal of CO2 from CH4 + CO2 Gas Streams
281 Mo
Chapter 15. Use of Hydrates for Cold Storage and Distribution in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Applications
441 Mo
6123 Ko
How to cite
Ruffine Livio, Broseta Daniel, Desmedt Arnaud (2018). Gas Hydrates 2 : Geoscience Issues and Potential Industrial Applications. ISTE- Wiley.

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