SeaDataNet. Datafile formats. ODV, MEDATLAS, NETCDF

Ce document décrit les formats SeaDataNet ODV (version 0.4), CFPOINT 1.0 (CF NetCDF) et MEDATLAS 2.0

This document specify the data file format in used for data exchange in SeaDataNet. ODV (Ocean Data View) and NetCDF format are mandatory, whereas MEDATLAS is optional. This document describes the following versions of the SeaDataNet formats SeaDataNet ODV import format 0.4 SeaDataNet MEDATLAS format 2.0 SeaDataNet CFPOINT (CF NetCDF)1.0

How to cite
Lowry Roy, Fichaut Michele, Schlitzer Reiner, Maudire Gilbert, Bregent Sophie, Gatti Julie (2024). SeaDataNet. Datafile formats. ODV, MEDATLAS, NETCDF. Ref. DELIVERABLE D8.5. SeaDataNet.

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