Marine soundscape shaped by fishing activity

Marine communities face anthropogenic pressures that degrade ecosystems. Because underwater soundscapes carry information about habitat quality, we explored whether destructive impacts of fishing could be evaluated via the soundscape. Maerl beds are recognized as biodiversity hotspots and they experience major worldwide degradation owing to fishing. We collected field acoustic recordings in maerl beds exposed to different fishing practices. We found that unfished maerl beds were threefold louder and exhibited sound frequencies more diversified than those recorded in fished maerl beds. Analyses of associated fauna samples indicated that snapping shrimps provided a major contribution to the maerl bed soundscape. Moreover, sea urchins and squat lobsters most likely contributed to differences between the soundscapes of unfished and fished maerl beds. Our results supported the idea that the soundscape can provide valuable information on maerl bed ecosystem health related to fishing activity.


soundscape, fishing, maerl beds, acoustic ecology, snapping shrimps

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Publisher's official version
7753 Ko
1221 Ko
ESM 1 - Fauna sampling. Fauna sampling associated with acoustic recordings
1141 Ko
ESM 2 - Time series data set of species richness. Time series data set of the invertebrate species richness over 20 years in maerl beds exposed to different fishing practices
1225 Ko
ESM 3 - ANL spectra. ANL spectra of the unfished (green line) and fished (red line) maerl beds recorded in the Bay of Brest. Grey lines indicate Wenz's wind and traffic noise curves (Wenz 1962)
1326 Ko
ESM 4 - Spectrograms. Spectrograms of the unfished (left) and fished (right) maerl beds recorded in spring in the Bay of Brest
1302 Ko
Figure 1. Invertebrate species richness in two maerl beds exposed to different fishing practices: no fishing (green dots); fishing (red dots), beginning in 2004 (arrow). Each point represents ...
-105 Ko
Figure 2. Peak frequencies (fp) at different sound pressure levels (SPL) in two maerl beds exposed to different fishing practices....
-176 Ko
How to cite
Coquereau Laura, Lossent Julie, Grall Jacques, Chauvaud Laurent (2017). Marine soundscape shaped by fishing activity. Royal Society Open Science. 4 (1). -.,

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