Hyper-Cryptic Marine Meiofauna: Species Complexes in Nemertodermatida

Nemertodermatida are microscopically small, benthic marine worms. Specimens of two nominal species, Sterreria psammicola and Nemertinoides elongatus from 33 locations worldwide were sequenced for three molecular markers. Species delimitation and validation was done using gene trees, haplotype networks and multilocus Bayesian analysis. We found 20 supported species of which nine: Nemertinoides glandulosum n. sp., N. wolfgangi n. sp., Sterreria boucheti n. sp., S. lundini n. sp., S. martindalei n. sp., S. monolithes n. sp., S. papuensis n. sp., S. variabilis n. sp. and S. ylvae n. sp., are described including nucleotide-based diagnoses. The distribution patterns indicate transoceanic dispersal in some of the species. Sympatric species were found in many cases. The high level of cryptic diversity in this meiofauna group implies that marine diversity may be higher than previously estimated.

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Figure S1. Saturation plot for the H3 gene across the whole dataset
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Figure S2. Best ML tree calculated with RAxML of the LSU rRNA dataset with bootstrap support plotted on the branches.
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Figure S3. Majority rule consensus tree estimated with MrBayes of the LSU rRNA dataset with Bayesian posterior probabilities plotted on the nodes
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Figure S4. Best ML tree calculated with RAxML of the SSU rRNA dataset with bootstrap support plotted on the nodes
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Figure S5. Majority rule consensus tree estimated with MrBayes of the SSU rRNA dataset with Bayesian posterior probabilities plotted on the nodes.
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Figure S6. Best ML tree calculated with RAxML of the Histone 3 dataset with bootstrap support plotted on the nodes.
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Figure S7. Majority rule consensus tree estimated with MrBayes of the Histone 3 dataset with Bayesian posterior probabilities plotted on the nodes.
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Table S1. Reduced datasets
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Table S2. Averaged pairwise distances across the LSU gene dataset.
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Table S3. Averaged pairwise distances across the SSU gene dataset.
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Table S4. Averaged pairwise distances across the Histone 3 gene dataset.
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How to cite
Meyer-Wachsmuth Inga, Galletti Marco Curini, Jondelius Ulf (2014). Hyper-Cryptic Marine Meiofauna: Species Complexes in Nemertodermatida. Plos One. 9 (9). e107688 (25p.). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0107688, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00476/58813/

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