Caractérisation des houles extrêmes pour l'industrie offshore Apport des données satellitaires

Caracterisation of extreme swells for offshore industry Contribution of satellite data

Extreme wave design conditions are of high concern to the offshore industry, especially since many developments are planned in poorly documented areas from a climatological point of view, and since the safety requirements are most stringent. With the availability of a whole decade of satellite observations of sea states, their integration into the state of the art and the remaining difficulties are discussed here. An example is taken with the Iroise Sea, and perspectives are envisionned.

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How to cite
Olagnon Michel (2002). Caractérisation des houles extrêmes pour l'industrie offshore Apport des données satellitaires = Caracterisation of extreme swells for offshore industry Contribution of satellite data. La Houille Blanche. (2). 78-82.,

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