Physique du sédiment et des eaux interstitielles : stratégies de modélisation pour les besoins en environnement côtier

Physics of sediment and pore-water: modelling strategies for Coastal Environment studies

After a brief reminder on the sediment composition and facies, the paper reviews water-sediment exchanges that require to account for sediment transformation in Coastal Environment modelling. Physical processes (consolidation, bed armouring, liquefaction) and bio-chemical processes (organic matter mineralisation, adsorption/desorption, precipitation/dissolution, bioturbation…) are briefly reviewed, as well as usual modelling methods. The need for a guide book on the required minimal modelling, depending on the arisen questions, is put forward.

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How to cite
Le Hir Pierre (2007). Physique du sédiment et des eaux interstitielles : stratégies de modélisation pour les besoins en environnement côtier = Physics of sediment and pore-water: modelling strategies for Coastal Environment studies. La Houille Blanche. (4). 28-34.,

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