AtlantOS Data Services Report

Within the H2020 AtlantOS project, WP7 has designed and started to set up an integrated data system that harmonizes work flows, data processing and distribution across in-situ observing network systems, and integrates in-situ observations into existing European and international data infrastructures, named Integrators (e.g. Copernicus INS TAC, SeaDataNet NODCs, EMODnet, EurOBIS, GEOSS).

The targeted European data system is not a new system but integrates existing data systems. These systems are being enhanced to ingest and deliver more in-situ observation data on Atlantic Ocean and to better serve the users, in a harmonized way across the systems.

The scope of data services for the AtlantOS observations is discovery, download, viewing and monitoring/traceability services for both users and data providers. This document reports the data services set up or enhanced within WP7 for AtlantOS observations:  AtlantOS catalogue, AtlantOS traceability of use service and new or enhanced data services at Integrator level.

How to cite
Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie, Atlantos wp7 Partners (2018). AtlantOS Data Services Report. Ref. Deliverable D7.15. AtlantOs.

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