Data flow and Data integration - WP7. 5th meeting – Implementation phase, 20th November 2017 at PLOCAN, Gran Canaria

The objectives of this 5th AtlantOS WP7 meeting were

  • review progress on the implementation (Task 7.3) of the recommendations and enhancements at Network and Integrator level based on actions decided at the 4th meeting mid-December 2016,
  • progress on monitoring and traceability services that aims to assess Atlantic Ocean Observation performance and to feedback data providers with statistics for acknowledgement of their contribution to the systems,
  • follow-up of  the Transatlantic workshop held in June 2017 and the actions identified
  • present the GEOSS workshop on 24th November 2017, starting point for the integration in GEOSS,
  • review activities on-going in the further tasks of WP7 that aim (1) to assess the impact of AtlantOS observations in models through Copernicus (Task 7.4) and (2) to develop and deliver ocean products derived from these observations both for research and for applications (Task 7.5).
How to cite
Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie, Atlantos wp7 Partners (2017). Data flow and Data integration - WP7. 5th meeting – Implementation phase, 20th November 2017 at PLOCAN, Gran Canaria. AtlantOs.

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