Integration in GEOSS

The Horizon2020 project AtlantOS works towards facilitating a better link between the data providers involved in AtlantOS and GEOSS, as a global integrator of earth observations, and to make data providers as a community discoverable through GEOSS. A primary goal was to provide the data networks with the necessary information on GEOSS. In order to do so a workshop was held in a full-day event at the AtlantOS 3rd general assembly in a collaborative effort between AtlantOS and GEOSS and the H2020 projects COOP+ and ENVRI+. A team of three persons from GEOSS involved with technical as well as political aspects of GEOSS was invited to give lecturers and hands-on exercises at the workshop. The workshop gave the participating data providers a firsthand impression of the latest developments of the GEOSS platform (FKA: GEOSS common infrastructure). In connection to this workshop, GEO finalized the first edition of a comprehensive reference work called “The GEOSS Platform – Manual n.1 – All you need to know to become a GEO Data Provider”. This manual provides thorough guidance for data providers to the world of GEOSS and how to register and access data, and we recommend it to all data-providers in AtlantOS. 

AtlantOS was registered with the GEOSS Yellow-Pages to make AtlantOS as a project and the related data resources directly discoverable in the GEOSS Portal. New features in the GEOSS portal have recently been introduced in order to specifically serve communities like AtlantOS. AtlantOS is currently in the process of exploring the possibility of making the data resources, which are declared and available in the AtlantOS catalog setup within WP7, available through a Mirror site in the GEOSS Portal. GEOSS has finalized an interoperability test showing that there are no impediments from a technical viewpoint.

AtlantOS and GEOSS have identified prioritized areas of interest, where both parties will benefit from an improved collaboration. AtlantOS can provide inputs to GEOSS for various Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs). In particular, input on maritime transport (risk assessment) is highlighted by GEOSS as an area where input is particularly needed. Both in regard to community usage of the GEOSS portal and in regard to SBAs, GEOSS is using AtlantOS as an demonstrator for the community approach, and AtlantOS have been invited to participate an upcoming GEOSS meeting to present our experience collaborating with GEOSS.

How to cite
Koop-Jakobsen Ketil, Waldmann Christoph, Atlantos wp7 Partners (2018). Integration in GEOSS. Ref. Deliverable D7.8. AtlantOs.

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