Rapid root assimilation of added phosphorus in a lowland tropical rainforest of French Guiana

Theory states that tree growth in lowland tropical forests on old, weathered soils is limited by low phosphorous (P) availability. However, evidence for P limitation from nutrient manipulation experiments remains unclear, which raises the question whether trees are taking up added P. In French Guianese lowland rainforest, we measured changes in nitrogen (N) and P availability before and up to two months after N and P addition. We measured in soils with intact root systems and soils excluding roots and mycorrhizal fungi with root exclusion cylinders. When the root system was excluded, P addition increased P availability to a much greater extent and for a longer time than where the roots remained undisturbed. N dynamics were unaffected by root presence/absence. These results indicate rapid root uptake of P, but not of N, suggesting very effective P acquisition in these lowland rainforests.


Tropical forest, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Fertilization, Root system, Plant root simulator probes

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Van Langenhove Leandro, Janssens Ivan A., Verryckt Lore, Brechet Laetitia, Hartley Iain P., Stahl Clement, Courtois Elodie, Urbina Ifigenia, Grau Oriol, Sardans Jordi, Peguero Guille, Gargallo-Garriga Albert, Peñuelas Josep, Vicca Sara (2020). Rapid root assimilation of added phosphorus in a lowland tropical rainforest of French Guiana. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 140. 107646 (3p.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107646, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00589/70161/

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