A certain stability in topics and a highly connected community. Text mining of acoustic symposia abstracts
In this poster I will present the results from text mining analyses of the abstracts of the current and previous ICES acoustic symposia as well as WGFAST working group reports. By creating and comparing lists of the most common words in each symposium and WGFAST reports it will be possible to measure the overall change in breadth and possible shifts in focus in the field of marine ecosystem acoustics. The same analysis will also identify the contribution of WGFAST to the progress in the field. An analysis of the authors will provide means to characterize the structure of the research fellow communities participating in ICES acoustic symposia and WGFAST meetings.
Trenkel Verena (2015). A certain stability in topics and a highly connected community. Text mining of acoustic symposia abstracts. ICES Symposium "Marine Ecosystem Acoustics – Observing the Ocean interior in support of integrated management". 25-28 May 2015, Nantes, France. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00598/71042/