Euro-Argo ERIC Five-year plan 2019-2023

The Euro-Argo European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) provides in situ ocean observations to a range of user communities, with an interest in the ocean’s state and its evolution. Euro-Argo ERIC aims at maintaining one quarter of the international Argo network, one of the most important components of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).

Euro-Argo future challenges for the next five years

The Euro-Argo ERC is now at a turning point of its history: the ERIC Office and National Members set up a reliable infrasctructure, that both manages to strengthen the European contribution to Argo and to start implementing the new missions. This report summarizes the five objectives of the new five-year plan.

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Euro-Argo ERIC (2019). Euro-Argo ERIC Five-year plan 2019-2023. Euro-Argo ERIC.

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