Interaction of the Gulf Stream with small scale topography: a focus on lee waves

The generation of lee waves in the Gulf Stream along the U.S. seaboard is investigated using high resolution realistic simulations. The model reproduces the surface signature of the waves, which compares favourably with observations from satellite sun glitter images in the region. In particular, a large number of internal waves are observed above the Charleston Bump. These waves match well with the linear theory describing topographically-generated internal waves, which can be used to estimate the associated vertical transport of momentum and energy extracted from the mean flow. Finally, small scale topographic features are shown to have a significant impact on the mean flow in this region of the Gulf Stream, and the specific role of lee waves in this context is outlined.

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How to cite
de Marez Charly, Lahaye Noe, Gula Jonathan (2020). Interaction of the Gulf Stream with small scale topography: a focus on lee waves. Scientific Reports. 10 (1). 2332 (10p.).,

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