Deciphering the role of small-scale inhomogeneity on geophysical flow structuration: a stochastic approach

An important open question in fluid dynamics concerns the effect of smallscales in structuring a fluid flow. In oceanic or atmospheric flows, this is aptly captured in wave-current interactions through the study of the wellknown Langmuir secondary circulation. Such wave-current interactions are described by the Craik-Leibovich system, in which the action of a wave induced velocity, the Stokes drift, produces a so called “vortex force” that causes streaking in the flow. In this work, we show that these results can be generalized as a generic effect of the spatial inhomogeneity of the statistical properties of the small-scale flow components. As demonstrated, this is well captured through a stochastic representation of the flow.


Langmuir circulation, Baroclinic models, General circulation models, Stochastic models, Oscillations

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How to cite
Bauer Werner, Chandramouli Pranav, Chapron Bertrand, Li Long, Mémin Etienne (2020). Deciphering the role of small-scale inhomogeneity on geophysical flow structuration: a stochastic approach. Journal Of Physical Oceanography. 50 (4). 983-1003.,

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