A new midshelf record in the northern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic, CBT-CS11 core): sedimentological, geochemical and palynological data over the last 7 kyrs

The high-time resolution (∼70 years in average) multi-proxy analysis conducted on the midshelf core CBT-CS11 (47°46.429’N; 4°25.308’W; 73m depth; 3.96 m long; NW France, S Brittany) revealed the complexity of the palaeohydrological and palaeoclimatic signals recorded over the last 7 kyrs in the recently published paper: “Oceanic versus continental influences over the last 7 kyrs from a midshelf record in the northern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic)” [1]. This study presents the whole CBT-CS11 dataset discussed in [1] including sedimentological (XRF and grain-size (total from [1] and CaCO3-free from [2]) analyses), geochemical (oxygen and carbon stable isotopes on two different benthic foraminiferal species: Ammonia falsobeccarii from [1] and Cibicides refulgens from [2]) analyses) as well as palynological (dinoflagellate cyst and pollen assemblages from [1]) data. The present study also describes the different statistical tests from which ecological groups have been established from palynological indicators in [1].


Holocene, NE Atlantic Ocean, Pollen assemblages, Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, Stable isotopes, Grain-size analysis, XRF

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How to cite
Penaud Aurélie, Ganne Axelle, Coste Pierre-Olivier, Herlédan Maïwenn, Durand Matthieu, Mojtahid Meryem, Nizou Jean, Toucanne Samuel (2020). A new midshelf record in the northern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic, CBT-CS11 core): sedimentological, geochemical and palynological data over the last 7 kyrs. Data In Brief. 29. 105323 (7p.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2020.105323, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00610/72209/

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