The merging of Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices into large coherent flow structures in a high Reynolds number flow past a wall-mounted square cylinder

Flows at tidal-stream energy sites are characterised by high turbulence intensities and by the occurrence of highly energetic large and coherent flow structures. The interaction of the flow with seabed roughness is suspected to play a major role in the generation of such coherent flow structures. The problem is introduced with canonical wall-mounted square obstacles representing abrupt changes of bathymetry, with high Reynolds number flow (Re = 250000). Two methods are used: a numerical model, based on the LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) combined with LES (Large Eddy Simulation) and an experimental set-up in a circulating tank. The numerical model is validated by comparison with experimental data. In the case of a wall-mounted square cylinder, large-scale turbulent structures are identified in experiments where boils at the free surface can be observed. LBM simulation allows their three-dimensional characterisation. The dynamic of such large-scale events is investigated by temporal, spatial and spectral numerical analysis. Results show that periodical Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices are emitted in the cylinder wake. Then, they merge to form larger and more coherent structures that rise up to the surface. A wavelet study shows that the emission frequency of the Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices is not constant over time.


Turbulence, Coherent flow structure, Numerical simulation, Lattice Boltzmann Method, Large Eddy Simulation, Wall-mounted obstacles

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Publisher's official version
134 Mo
MMC S1. Animated lambda2 criterion visualisation of turbulent motions downstream of a wall-mounted square cylinder.
-124 Mo
MMC S2. Aggregation of Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices downstream of a wall-mounted cylinder. Animated visualisation of fluctuating pressure field. Low-pressure areas are coloured in blue, high pressure in
-35 Mo
MMC S3. Interaction of Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices within a coherent flow structure. Animated lambda2 visualisation.
-45 Mo
Author's final draft
2413 Mo
How to cite
Mercier Philippe, Ikhennicheu Maria, Guillou Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Poizot Emmanuel, Grondeau Mikaël, Thiébot Jérôme, Druault Philippe (2020). The merging of Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices into large coherent flow structures in a high Reynolds number flow past a wall-mounted square cylinder. Ocean Engineering. 204. 107274 (13p.).,

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