Report on the approaches implemented in the Mediterranean countries for GES descriptor 8. Proposition of a road map for a better harmonization

Based on the data gap analysis performed in the first step of MEDCIS, the Medcis team on contaminant proposed a road map associated with a time-schedule in order to improve harmonization in Mediterranean region for 2024 GES assessment. Partner countries shared information on monitored substances and biological effects, thresholds used, matrix/matrices used for the monitoring of each substance/family of substances, the limit of quantification (LQ) of each chemical measurement, and the proportion of censored data

How to cite
Mauffret Aourell, Bajt Oliver, Bellas Juan, Chalkiadaki Olga, Dassenakis Manos, Giannoudi Louisa, Giubilato Elisa, Hatzianestis Ioannis, Marcomini Antonio, Paramana Theodora, Tsangaris Catherine, Tronczynski Jacek, Zeri Christina (2019). Report on the approaches implemented in the Mediterranean countries for GES descriptor 8. Proposition of a road map for a better harmonization. Medcis.

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