ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2. Raising awareness of the opportunities to develop innovative fishing techniques

This deliverable relates to the interactive tool mapping the evolution of the EU outermost fleets, which is available on the ORFISH website (http://orfish.eu). The Fleet Map has been built on the basis of the Data Collection Framework.

How to cite
Macabiau CHRISTOPHE, Berthou Patrick (2019). ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2. Raising awareness of the opportunities to develop innovative fishing techniques. Ref. Task 2.1 Status and evolution of small-scale fisheries in ORs. Deliverable #8. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00628/74012/

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