ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2 Creating alternative fishing opportunities

This report is focused in adding value to the actual catches by better differentiating them in the market, but also in ways to enhance the market value of off-shore species through innovative strategies like branding. This may alleviate fishing pressure on coastal resources by increasing the value of catches by local fishers, so that they can make a living with less pressure on resources. Consequently, the global objective of this report was to analyse current marketing strategies adopted by SS fishers in order to sell their fish, to understand their challenges and shortcomings, and to explore the possibilities for improving the current situation. The focus of this report will be place in the most relevant fishery in a selection of OR, trying to analyse the actual challenges and compare with the experiences from other areas in order to learn collectively. This task will analyse the feasibility of introducing labelling schemes for SSF, the need for preserving the quality of the fish for adding market value and traceability options.
The specific objectives of the report are:
• Analyse the marketing channel and strategy for SSF products and their outcomes including labelling schemes
• Indicate how technological innovations may help to improve market shares and benefits to SSF people
• Devise strategies to better differentiate SSF products from the catches coming from world markets, large-scale fisheries or aquaculture
• Examine the role of women & SSF organisations in fish marketing and ways to enhance their involvement and success
• Make appropriate policy recommendations

How to cite
Lebechnech Léa, Binet Thomas, Guyader Olivier, Gomes César, Costa Daniela, Gualberto Rita, Cruces Lorenzo, Barrera Amaya Miguel, Gonzalez-Porto Marcos, Ruiz Abad Marcos (2019). ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2 Creating alternative fishing opportunities. Ref. Task 4.1 Strategies, challenges and shortcomings for the marketing of SSF products. Deliverable #49. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00628/74016/

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