ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2 Creating alternative fishing opportunities

The main objective of this report is to establish well-founded proposals for the design, implementation and responsible management of the comprehensive product “fishing tourism or pesca-toursim”, taking into account its diversity and adaptability to environmental, socioeconomic and cultural impacts. The project seek ed to establish a comprehensive intelligent management system to promote sustainable relationships among the different stakeholders for activities developed in coastal ecosystems. This product of “Fishing-Tourism” may be closely related to protected areas, as it may be intended to show not only the fishing culture but also the natural heritage of the areas involved. This report emphasizes the relevance of stakeholders’ participation (co-creation) processes, highlighting their degree of responsibility in the dynamics of conservation and the potential of differentiation of the destination through the valorisation of the cultural and natural heritage.
The main objectives of the task are:
• Diagnosis of the interactions of SSF communities in relation with tourism activities in the coastal area + identify synergies and best practices
• Analysis of the actual experiences and potentialities for developing fishing tourism activities involving SSfishers and their boats, encouraging synergies and promoting the development of the quality of the host populations involved
• Proposals for the development of activities related to fishing communities that can be developed on land

How to cite
Lebechnech Léa, Reynal Lionel, Guyader Olivier, Gomes César, Lucas Jorge, Cruces Lorenzo, Costa Daniela, Rita Gualberto (2019). ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2 Creating alternative fishing opportunities. Ref. Task 4.2 Pesca-tourism: opportunities for small-case fisheries in the ORs. Deliverable #54. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00628/74017/

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