ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2 Raising awareness of the opportunities to develop innovative fishing techniques

The database presented in this report is an exhaustive review of existing technical information on experimental fishing. This review has been done over a period covering the last 30 years based on available literature, databases and reports. For each outermost region (OR), several universities and public investigation centres have also been consulted.  
All the non-published reports and papers presented in this database will be gradually scanned and published on the ORFISH website in order to make them public

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Deliverable #9 Database of references compiling the existing information on experimental fishing
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How to cite
Ramos Henrique, Zanella Andrea, Gomez Cesar, Pavon-Salas Ninoska, Guyader Olivier, Berthou Patrick, Bilbao Sieyro Alberto, Roos David, Reynal Lionel (2019). ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP2 Raising awareness of the opportunities to develop innovative fishing techniques. Ref. Task 2.2: Desktop study to collate existing technical information. Deliverable #9. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00628/74038/

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