The “JERICO Label”, Version 2

This document summarizes the work done on the JERICO-Label in JERICO-NEXT, from the perspective mainly of the development of some of its “technical” aspects. The activity reported on forms part of Work Package 2 (“Harmonization of technologies and methodologies - technical strategy“) of the project – specifically, Task 2.6 (“The JERICO Label Technical Committee”). This task gathered together 16 partners from 11 European countries (Italy, Finland Germany, France, Norway, UK, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands), and was co-led by two of them, OGS and HCMR.

How to cite
Nair Rajesh, Puillat Ingrid, Delauney Laurent (2019). The “JERICO Label”, Version 2. Ref. JERICO-NEXT-WP2-D2.7-090919-V1.0.

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