Emerging technologies, emerging markets – fostering the innovation potential of research infrastructures

The aim of WP1-task 1.1, is to identify and analyse emerging environmental observations technologies (sensors and platforms) that could be useful to, and benefit from, Research infrastructures (RIs) to realize and achieve their market potential. The task also aims to explore technical challenges, market barriers and ongoing initiatives related to these technologies. The deliverable D1.1 is tailored to be a source of inspiration for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), while investigating new business opportunities, as well as for the EU bodies, pointing them the specific areas requiring additional attention and financing. Environmental observations performed by RIs are dedicated to answering the grand challenges (ENVRI+ Theme 4). This is a tremendous endeavour dealing with hundreds of types of measurements by means of numerous sensors, installed on numerous types of platforms and performing measurements in all environmental domains. D1.1 presents technological advances implemented by the RIs, for observing four environmental domains, i.e. the atmospheric (ICOS, IAGOS, SIOS, ACTRIS), marine (EURO-ARGO, JERICO), ecosystem / biosphere (ANAEE) and solid earth (EPOS) domains. For each of these domains, a limited number of selected variables and parameters, crucial for describing a given environmental system are identified. The deliverable reviews emerging technologies along with existing ones for the measurements of key-parameters, analyses their strength and weakness, and identifies the main providers. Technologies described in this document, represent those that are mostly valued by scientists, and then that are the most wanted or expected to become available on the market in the near future (emerging technologies). For each domain, a preliminary market description is provided, where existing and potential regulatory framework that could influence the production and/or market penetration of sensors is described, together with countries/communities that could be interested in developing specific sensors and technologies. Along with sensors, observing platforms represent promising technological sector that rapidly develops. The document presents recent advances in this field, with focus on the emerging use of drones for observations of atmosphere, biosphere and marine environment. It is supplemented by an assessment of advances on energy supply for sensors and platforms and the subsequent emerging opportunity for deploying sensors in hardly accessible regions. The role of environmental research infrastructures in bringing observing technologies to the market is also discussed, with a focus on how RIs can support and facilitate public-private partnerships engaging scientists, companies and governmental bodies in promoting the development of technologies and bring value to all parties. New business opportunities based on the interactions of RIs with other parties are provided.

How to cite
Kozin Philipp, Paris Jean-Daniel, Rolin Jean-Francois, Delauney Laurent, Carotenuto Federico, Mazzola Mauro, Papale Dario, Maurissen Diane, Haslinger Florian, Delory Eric, Gilbert Olivier (2018). Emerging technologies, emerging markets – fostering the innovation potential of research infrastructures. Ref. Work package 1 – New sensor technologies: innovation and services. D1.1. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00630/74249/

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