Technological choices for dense networks of small sensors

Small, generally low-cost sensors, that are deployed in unsupervised networks (or remote locations such as the ocean) are becoming more and more important across RIs and across domain.
Distributed infrastructures require efficient data transmission through a more strict effort on standards for sensor registration, sensor web enablement, sensor-embedded treatment capacities. Network-enabled sensors offer a strong potential. This deliverable will present ongoing initiatives and proves the maturity and security of the smart sensor techniques applied at large scale.

How to cite
Rolin Jean-Francois, Loubrieu Thomas, Delauney Laurent, Carotenuto Federico, Dhaussy Philippe, Obeid fadi, Delory Eric (2019). Technological choices for dense networks of small sensors. Ref. Work package 1 - New sensor technologies: innovation and services. D1.7.

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