Home range of newborn blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus), as estimated using mark-recapture and acoustic telemetry

Sharks play important functional roles in coral reef ecosystems. Studying reef shark populations’ spatial ecology also contributes important data for effective conservation planning. The purpose of this study was to define the home range of neonatal blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) around Moorea, French Polynesia, and compare estimates using both mark-recapture surveys and active acoustic telemetry. Mark-recapture surveys produced a minimum convex polygon (MCP) of 0.07 km2 that was significantly larger than the MCP derived from acoustic telemetry (0.02 km2). Acoustic telemetry produced 50 and 95% kernel utilization densities that were smaller (0.02 km2) and larger (0.14 km2) than home range estimates from mark-recapture surveys, respectively. Home range estimates from this study are the smallest that have been documented for neonatal blacktip reef sharks, possibly owing to the study sites’ proximity to deep channels. Mark-recapture and active acoustic telemetry are complementary approaches worthy of consideration where passive telemetry is impractical


Elasmobranch, French Polynesia, Kernel utilization density, Marine protected area, Minimum convex polygon, Shark nursery area

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How to cite
Bouyoucos Ian A., Romain Martin, Azoulai Lorine, Eustache Kim, Mourier Johann, Rummer Jodie L., Planes Serge (2020). Home range of newborn blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus), as estimated using mark-recapture and acoustic telemetry. Coral Reefs. 39 (5). 1209-1214. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-020-01965-z, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00634/74574/

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