FUMSECK cruise report

The FUMSECK cruise was a one-week technological cruise, which took place in spring 2019, in the gulf of Genoa (NW Mediterranean Sea), onboard the R/V T´ethys II. Its aim was to perform several technological tests of some instruments used for the study of the fine-scale processes and dynamics. It was conducted in preparation of the BioSWOT-Med cruise in the SW Mediterranean Sea in 2022, planned as part of the “Adopt a Cross Over” initiative organising simultaneous oceanographic cruises around the world during the SWOT fast sampling phase. During FUMSECK we tested various technological innovations for the study of fine-scale dynamics and their coupling with biogeochemistry.

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Barrillon Stéphanie, Bataille Hubert, Bhairy Nagib, Comby Caroline, Coulon Théo, Doglioli Andrea, D'Ovidio Francesco, Fuda Jean-Luc, Gregori Gérald, Petrenko Anne, Ricout Anaïs, Rousselet Louise, Thyssen Melilotus, Tzortzis Roxane (2020). FUMSECK cruise report. MIO. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00636/74854/

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