On the termination of deep-sea fan channels: Examples from the Rhône Fan (Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean Sea)

The termination of a deep-sea turbiditic channel represents the ultimate sink of terrigenous sediment in the oceans or lakes. Such environment is characterized by rapid slope decrease and by loss of confinement of turbidity currents. It results in the deposition of Channel-Mouth-Lobes that can be separated from the channel mouth by an erosional (scoured) or by-pass dominated Channel-Lobe Transition Zone. Several factors can control the occurrence, extent and morphologic expression of the area such as the slope break angle, the upslope and downslope angle and the mud/sand ratio in flows. Disentangling these factors remains challenging due to the scarcity of outcrops and to the usual faint morphologies and low thickness of deposits. With bathymetric and seismic data we calculated the morphometric parameters of 8 channel-levees and their Channel-Mouth Lobes from the deepest area of the Rhone fan, a mud-sand rich system, and among which the youngest one (called neofan) was deposited at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum between 21.5 and 18.3 ka cal. BP. Emplacement and shape (finger-shaped or pear-shaped bulges) of Channel-Mouth Lobes is controlled by the seabed morphology (adjacent channel-levees and salt diapirs). A less prominent morphology of the neofan is attributed to premature quiescence related to the post sea-level rise sediment starvation. We show that the occurrence and expression of a Channel-Lobe Transition Zone is controlled by the gradient upstream of the channel mouth slope break. The extended Channel-Lobe Transition Zone and detached lobe of the neofan are attributed to the high upslope gradient (0.26°) while the less detached or attached lobes of other channel-levees is attributed to lower upslope gradient (0.13°). We show that scouring and scours concatenation into flutes at the Channel-Lobe Transition Zone is a major driver for the inception of channels and further confinement of turbidity current. For the first time we show that concatenation of scours in shingled disposition developed an incipient channel sinuosity at this very early stage of channel development. The channel-levee can extend downslope nearly instantaneously by tens of kilometers when isolated nascent channels connect to the channel mouth.


Rhone Fan, Turbidite system, Terminal lobes, Geophysics

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Publisher's official version
2311 Mo
Table. Length and widths of morpho-sedimentary domains of morphological bulges 2cn, 2c1, 2bn, 2b1, 2a1 and 1 and of the neofan (N), used in plots of Fig. 18.
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735 Mo
How to cite
Droz Laurence, Jégou I., Gillet H., Dennielou Bernard, Bez M., Canals M., Amblas D., Lastras G., Rabineau Marina (2020). On the termination of deep-sea fan channels: Examples from the Rhône Fan (Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean Sea). Geomorphology. 369. 107368 (23p.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107368, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00642/75458/

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