The INSITU_*_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_030-036 products are based on in situ observations collected in real-time and revisited in delayed mode by data providers and the In Situ TAC 7 regions.
The data validation is carried out by automatic quality control tests both in real time and delayed mode (Copernicus Marine In Situ Team, 2020). Moreover, data is visualized by experts to detect spikes and anomalous behaviour of the sensors and additionally, comparison with other sources is performed to detect possible wrong data.
It is important to note that this product is providing data from global, regional, national or institutional observing systems. They are responsible for the data transmission and the equipment maintenance.
The temporal coverage ranges from the beginning of the 20th century to now. It is presented with histograms. The metric is the platform-day (one platform, one day, one or many observations = +1) for temperature and salinity (T&S) observations and platform-month (one platform, one month, one or many observations = +1) for the rest of variables. The results show a continuous increase along the years and especially in the last two decades.
The spatial coverage is presented through maps with the distribution of observations on the current year (2023) for all the variables. For underway data, measuring T&S and Oxygen, the coverage is rather homogeneous, while for fixed platforms like buoys, HF radars or tide gauges, measuring the rest of variables, the coverage is diverse with most of the stations concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere and more specifically in the coast of Europe and North America.
For additional information regarding the in-depth validation of this product, the calculation of the assessment metrics presented in this product and other detailed information in quality and remarkable events please refer to the reference quid document CMEMS-INS-QUID-013_030-036.
Important notice: The contents of this document are an assessment based on the best set of observations available for evaluation at the time the operational system was validated. The validation methodology was defined and agreed within Copernicus Marine Service, inheriting the long experience of MyOcean and MERSEA series of projects (Hernandez et al., 2018). The results presented in this report and derived estimated accuracy numbers (EAN) are representative of average error levels over large areas of the ocean. These numbers might be used as a mean error in one given point of the area, but in order to refine error estimates locally, the reader is invited to use complementary information from reference QUIDs (error maps for instance, when available).

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Publisher’s official version – SQO 2.3
111 Mo
How to cite
Copernicus Marine in situ TAC (2023). Quality Information Document. In Situ TAC multiparameter products: INSITU_GLO_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_030 INSITU_ARC_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_031 INSITU_BAL_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_032 INSITU_IBI_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_033 INSITU_BLK_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_034 INSITU_MED_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_035 INSITU_NWS_PHYBGCWAV_DISCRETE_MYNRT_013_036. And Synthetic Quality Overview document (SQO). Ref. CMEMS-INS-QUID-013_030-036, CMEMS-INS-SQO-013_030-036. Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC. https://doi.org/10.13155/75807

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