Ocean Surface Carbon Dioxide Fugacity Observed from Space

We have developed and validated a statistical model to estimate the fugacity (or partial pressure) of carbon dioxide (CO2) at sea surface (pCO2sea) from space-based observations of sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll, and salinity. More than a quarter million in situ measurements coincident with satellite data were compiled to train and validate the model. We have produced and made accessible 9 years (2002–2010) of the pCO2sea at 0.5 degree resolutions daily over the global ocean. The results help to identify uncertainties in current JPL Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) model-based and bottom-up estimates over the ocean. The utility of the data to reveal multi-year and regional variability of the fugacity in relation to prevalent oceanic parameters is demonstrated.

How to cite
Liu W. Timothy, Xie Xiaosu (2014). Ocean Surface Carbon Dioxide Fugacity Observed from Space. Ref. JPL Publication 14-15. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00651/76344/

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