More Than Just Refuelling: Lengthy Stopover and Selection of Departure Weather by Sandpipers Prior to Transoceanic and Transcontinental Flights

The evolutionary and behavioural ecology of migratory birds has received much theoretical and empirical attention. We contribute to this field by contrasting the weather at departure and stopover durations of a long‐distance migratory sandpiper prior to initiating lengthy transoceanic versus transcontinental flights of potentially variable duration. Transoceanic flights provide few if any stopover options. We predicted that transoceanic migrants should therefore be more selective of energetically favourable weather at departure and have longer stopover durations prior to departing, using time as a surrogate for cumulative fuel acquisition, than transcontinental migrants.


barrier effect migration, Bayesian analysis, capture&#8211, recapture, stopover decisions

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How to cite
Roques Sébastien, Lank David B, Cam Emmanuelle, Pradel Roger (2021). More Than Just Refuelling: Lengthy Stopover and Selection of Departure Weather by Sandpipers Prior to Transoceanic and Transcontinental Flights. Ibis. 163 (2). 519-535.,

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