SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity Historical Data Collection for the Mediterranean Sea (Version 2)

The second release of SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity Historical Data Collection for the Mediterranean Sea (SDC_MED_DATA_TS_V2) includes open access in situ data of water column temperature and salinity between -9.25 and 37 degrees of longitude, thus including an Atlantic box and the Marmara Sea. The collection has been obtained harvesting all measurements contained within SeaDataNet infrastructure at the end of July 2019 belonging to 30 data providers (distributors) 124 data originators. The dataset format is Ocean Data View (ODV) binary collection. The quality control of the data has been performed using ODV 5.3.0 software. Data Quality Flags have been revised following SeaDataNet2 project QC procedures in conjunction with the visual expert check. The number of the Temperature and Salinity profiles (stations) in the collection is 1003259.

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How to cite
Simoncelli Simona, Oliveri Paolo, Mattia Gelsomina, Myroshnychenko Volodymyr (2020). SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity Historical Data Collection for the Mediterranean Sea (Version 2). Ref. Product Information Document (PIDoc). SeaDataCloud.

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