Le risque sanitaire ciguatérique en Polynésie française : étude des représentations sociales auprès de la population tahitienne

Autre(s) titre(s) The health risk of ciguatera in French Polynesia: a study of the representations of Tahitians
Type Article
Date 2018-03
Langue(s) Français
Auteur(s) Tchekemian Anthony1
Affiliation(s) 1 : Univ Polynesie Francaise, UMR Ecosyst Insulaires Oceaniens 241, BP 6570, Faaa 98702, Tahiti.
Source Environnement Risques & Sante (1635-0421) (John Libbey Eurotext Ltd), 2018-03 , Vol. 17 , N. 2 , P. 123-146
DOI 10.1684/ers.2018.1148
Keyword(s) ciguatera, representations, natural resources, risk, health, Tahiti
Résumé en anglais This social science study focuses on the risk from ciguatera that is affecting the Polynesians' health. Compared to the global population exposure to ciguatera health risks, the situation of French Polynesia is particularly worrisome, in view of the number of people poisoned each year. Exposure to this risk depends directly on the marine ecosystem, but also on lifestyles and individual responsibilities. This study focuses on the Tahitians' representations of the ciguatera risk, that is, their knowledge, awareness, and acceptance of the health risk resulting from the consumption of fish likely to be infected. It provides a better understanding of the cultural, social, and economic factors that explain and justify the consumption of potentially at-risk fish.
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