Large scale diversity reassessment, evolutionary history, and taxonomic revision of the green macroalgae family Udoteaceae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta)

Udoteaceae is a morphologically diverse family of the order Bryopsidales. Despite being very widespread geographically, this family is little known compared to the closely related Halimedaceae or Caulerpaceae. Using the most extensive Udoteaceae collection to date and a multilocus genetic dataset (tufA, rbcL and 18S rDNA), we reassessed the species diversity of the family, as well as the phylogenetic relationships, the diagnostic morpho‐anatomical characters and evolutionary history of its genera, toward a proposed taxonomic revision. Our approach included a combination of molecular and morphological criteria, including species delimitation methods, phylogenetic reconstruction and mapping of trait evolution. We successfully delimited 62 species hypotheses, of which 29 were assigned (existing) species names and 13 represent putative new species. Our results also led us to revise the genera Udotea s.s., Rhipidosiphon s.s. and Chlorodesmis s.s., to validate the genus Rhipidodesmis and to propose three new genera: Glaukea gen. nov., Ventalia gen. nov., and Udoteopsis gen. nov. We also identified two large species complexes, which we refer to as the “Penicillus‐Rhipidosiphon‐Rhipocephalus‐Udotea complex” and the “Poropsis‐Penicillus‐Rhipidodesmis complex”. Using a time‐calibrated phylogeny, we estimated the origin of the family Udoteaceae at Late Triassic (ca 216 Ma), whereas most of the genera originated during Paleogene. Our morphological inference results indicated that the thallus of the Udoteaceae ancestor was likely entirely corticated and calcified, composed of a creeping axis with a multisiphonous stipe and a pluristromatic flabellate frond. The frond shape, cortication and calcification are still symplesiomorphies for most extant Udoteaceae genera and represent useful diagnostic characters.


Chlorophyta, macroalgae, phylogeny, species delimitation, trait evolution

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Author's final draft
831 Mo
Figure S1: Species delimitation results obtained with the five methods (ABGD, GMYC, bGMYC, PTP and mPTP) on the tufA dataset.
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Figure S2: Species delimitation results obtained with the five methods (ABGD, GMYC, bGMYC, PTP and mPTP) on the rbcL dataset
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Figure S3: ML phylogeny of the Udoteaceae obtained using RAXML on chloroplast genes (tufA+rbcL). Bootstraps are indicated at nodes.
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Figure S4: ML phylogeny of the Udoteaceae obtained using RAXML on the nuclear 18S rDNA gene. Bootstraps are indicated at nodes.
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Figure S5: ML phylogeny of the “PRRU complex”. Bootstrap and Posterior probabilities (bs/PP) are indicated at nodes.
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Figure S6: ML phylogeny of the “PPR complex”. Bootstrap and Posterior probabilities (bs/PP) are indicated at nodes.
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Table S1: List of specimens with sample ID, species identification, location of sampling, Genbank accession numbers (or BOLD sequence ID in grey for those not submitted), the sequences used in...
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Table S2: Primers used for amplification of the tufA, rbcL, and 18S rDNA markers.
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Table S3: Details of ML and BI phylogenetic analyses for the different Udoteaceae datasets.
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Table S4: Calibration points used for the reconstruction of the Udoteaceae time‐calibrated phylogeny. Literature references, age, as well as node position and calibration priors are indicated.
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Table S5: A posteriori probabilities (PP) of the partitions defined by the bGMYC method on the tufA marker for Udoteaceae.
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Table S6: A posteriori probabilities (PP) of the partitions defined by the bGMYC method on the rbcL marker for Udoteaceae.
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Table S7: Number of common PSHs between the different methods and markers.
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Table S8: Details of the incongruence resolution process and species assignment of the SSHs.
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Table S9: Analysis of the phylogenetic signal (PS) for continuous traits using the Bloomberg (K) and Pagel statistics (λ). The PS is considered strong if K >1 or ...
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Table S10: Results of phylogenetic signal analyses on discrete characters. Traits with strong phylogenetic signal (D < 0) are indicated in bold with D values in green.
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Table S11: Results of the discrete character correlation test. Acronyms refer to those used in Data S1.
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Table S12: Summary of phylogenetic signal, taxonomic relevance and ancestral state estimation for each trait studied. The absence of convincing results for a given character is indicated by a “X”.
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Data S1: Morpho‐anatomical characters studied and associated states.
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Data S2: Results of the species delimitation analyses on tufA and rbcL markers.
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Data S3: Supports (ML) of hPTP partitions for the tufA dataset on Udoteaceae.
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Data S4: Supports (ML) of hPTP partitions for the rbcL dataset on Udoteaceae.
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Data S5: Summary of correlations, ancestral estimations and stochastic mapping results for all the characters studied.
-4 Mo
Publisher's official version
275 Mo
How to cite
Lagourgue Laura, Payri Claude E. (2022). Large scale diversity reassessment, evolutionary history, and taxonomic revision of the green macroalgae family Udoteaceae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta). Journal Of Systematics And Evolution. 60 (1). 101-127.,

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