SeaDataCloud Brunt–Väisälä Frequency profiles for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

The SDC_GLO_CLIM_N2 product contains seasonally averaged Brunt–Väisälä squared frequency profiles using the density profiles computed in Global Ocean In-situ Density climatology (SDC_GLO_CLIM_Dens). The SDC_GLO_CLIM_Dens uses the Profiling Floats (PFL) from 2003 to 2017 checked with a Nonlinear Quality procedure. Computed BVF profiles have been averaged seasonally into 5x5 degree boxes for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The resultant profiles are compared with the reference literature Emery et al. (1984) and the results appear consistent.

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How to cite
Shahzadi Kanwal, Pinardi Nadia (2021). SeaDataCloud Brunt–Väisälä Frequency profiles for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Ref. Product Information Document (PIDoc). SeaDataCloud.

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