(2021). SeaDataCloud Density Climatology for the Global Ocean. Ref. Product Information Document (PIDoc). SeaDataCloud. https://doi.org/10.13155/79303
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The SDC_GLO_CLIM_Dens product contains global monthly climatological estimates of in situ density using Temperature and Salinity from profiling floats contained in the World Ocean Data 18 (WOD18) database. The profiles were first quality controlled with a Nonlinear Quality control procedure developed by Shahzadi (2020). The climatology considers observations from 0 to 2000 m for the time period 2003-2017. Density profiles were computed using UNESCO 1983 (EOS 80) equation from in situ temperature, salinity and pressure measurements by the profiling floats (PFL). Only profiles with both T, S values were used. The gridded fields are computed using DIVAnd (Data Interpolating Variational Analysis) version 2.3.1.
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