SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity Climatology for the North Sea (Version 1)

Type Scientific report
Date 2019
Language English
Ref. Product Information Document (PIDoc)
Author(s) Troupin CharlesORCID1, Scory SergeORCID2
Contributor(s) Simoncelli S
Affiliation(s) 1 : University of Liege, Belgium
2 : Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre, Belgium
DOI 10.13155/79586
Publisher SeaDataCloud
Version 1.3

The SDC_NS_CLIM_TS_V1 product contains Temperature and Salinity Climatologies for the North Sea including annual, seasonal and monthly fields covering the time periods 1955-2014 and seasonal fields for 6 decades starting from 1955 to 2014 (1955-1964, 1965-1974, 1975-1984, 1985-1994, 1995-2004, 2005-2014). The climatological fields were computed with a dataset that combines data extracted from 2 major sources: 1) the SeaDataNet infrastructure and 2) the World Ocean Database 2018. The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.3.1.

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How to cite 

Troupin Charles, Scory Serge (2019). SeaDataCloud Temperature and Salinity Climatology for the North Sea (Version 1). Product Information Document (PIDoc).