Unexplored Refugia with High Cover of Scleractinian Leptoseris spp. and Hydrocorals Stylaster flabelliformis at Lower Mesophotic Depths (75–100 m) on Lava Flows at Reunion Island (Southwestern Indian Ocean)


mesophotic coral ecosystem (MCEs), Reunion Island, lower mesophotic zone, scleractinian, hydrocoral, refugia, biodiversity, Southwestern Indian Ocean

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Hoarau Ludovic, Rouzé Héloïse, Boissin Émilie, Gravier-Bonnet Nicole, Plantard Patrick, Loisil Camille, Bigot Lionel, Chabanet Pascale, Labarrère Priscille, Penin Lucie, Adjeroud Mehdi, Mulochau Thierry (2021). Unexplored Refugia with High Cover of Scleractinian Leptoseris spp. and Hydrocorals Stylaster flabelliformis at Lower Mesophotic Depths (75–100 m) on Lava Flows at Reunion Island (Southwestern Indian Ocean). Diversity-basel. 13 (4). 141 (6p.). https://doi.org/10.3390/d13040141, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00686/79841/

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