Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray

The dense AlpArray network allows studying seismic wave propagation with high spatial resolution. Here we introduce an array approach to measure arrival angles of teleseismic Rayleigh waves. The approach combines the advantages of phase correlation as in the two-station method with array beamforming to obtain the phase-velocity vector. 20 earthquakes from the first two years of the AlpArray project are selected, and spatial patterns of arrival-angle deviations across the AlpArray are shown in maps, depending on period and earthquake location. The cause of these intriguing spatial patterns is discussed. A simple wave-propagation modelling example using an isolated anomaly and a Gaussian beam solution suggests that much of the complexity can be explained as a result of wave interference after passing a structural anomaly along the wave paths. This indicates that arrival-angle information constitutes useful additional information on the Earth structure, beyond what is currently used in inversions.


Structure of the Earth, Europe, Time-series analysis, Surface waves and free oscillations, Wave propagation, Wave scattering and diffraction

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Kolinsky Petr, Bokelmann Goetz, Hetenyi Gyorgy, Abreu Rafael, Allegretti Ivo, Apoloner Maria-Theresia, Aubert Coralie, Besancon Simon, Bes de Berc Maxime, Bokel-Mann Gotz, Brunel Didier, Capello Marco, Carman Martina, Cavaliere Adriano, Cheze Jerome, Chiarabba Claudio, Clinton John, Cougoulat Glenn, Crawford Wayne C., Cristiano Luigia, Czifra Tibor, D'Alema Ezio, Danesi Stefania, Daniel Romuald, Dannowski Anke, Dasovic Iva, Deschamps Anne, Dessa Jean-Xavier, Doubre Cecile, Egdorf Sven, Fiket Tomislav, Fischer Kasper, Friederich Wolfgang, Fuchs Florian, Funke Sigward, Giardini Domenico, Govoni Aladino, Graczer Zoltan, Groschl Gidera, Heimers Stefan, Heit Ben, Herak Davorka, Herak Marijan, Huber Johann, Jaric Dejan, Jedlicka Petr, Jia Yan, Jund Helene, Kissling Edi, Klingen Stefan, Klotz Bernhard, Kolinsky Petr, Kopp Heidrun, Korn Michael, Kotek Josef, Kuhne Lothar, Kuk Kreso, Lange Dietrich, Loos Jurgen, Lovati Sara, Malengros Deny, Margheriti Lucia, Maron Christophe, Martin Xavier, Massa Marco, Mazzarini Francesco, Meier Thomas, Metral Laurent, Molinari Irene, Moretti Milena, Nardi Anna, Pahor Jurij, Paul Anne, Pequegnat Catherine, Petersen Daniel, Pesaresi Damiano, Piccinini Davide, Piromallo Claudia, Plenefisch Thomas, Plomerova Jaroslava, Pondrelli Silvia, Prevolnik Snjezan, Racine Roman, Regnier Marc, Reiss Miriam, Ritter Joachim, Rumpker Georg, Salimbeni Simone, Santulin Marco, Scherer Werner, Schippkus Sven, Schulte-Kortnack Detlef, Sipka Vesna, Solarino Stefano, Spallarossa Daniele, Spieker Kathrin, Stipcevic Josip, Strollo Angelo, Sule Balint, Szanyi Gyongyver, Szucs Eszter, Thomas Christine, Thorwart Martin, Tilmann Frederik, Ueding Stefan, Vallocchia Massimiliano, Vecsey Ludek, Voigt Rene, Wassermann Joachim, Weber Zoltan, Weidle Christian, Wesztergom Viktor, Weyland Gauthier, Wiemer Stefan, Wolf Felix, Wolyniec David, Zieke Thomas, Zivcic Mladen, Zlebcikova Helena (2019). Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray. Geophysical Journal International. 218 (1). 115-144.,

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