Does wastewater treatment plant discharges drive rocky subtidal community shifts? A case study

Contamination by wastewater discharges is one of the main anthropogenic stressor affecting rocky shore assemblages around the world. This study focused on the response of rocky subtidal benthic communities to wastewater treatment plant ( discharges in a very exposed location on the Basque coast (Southeastern Bay of Biscay) To meet the requirements of European Directives Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive), both benthic macroalgae and macrofauna were considered These both biological elements play a key role in the assessment of the conservation status and functional role of the ecosystem

How to cite
Huguenin Laura, Lalanne Yann, de Casamajor Marie-Noelle, Gorostiaga José Maria, Quintano Endika, Monperrus Mathilde (2021). Does wastewater treatment plant discharges drive rocky subtidal community shifts? A case study. Isobay 17 - XVII International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay . 1-4 june 2021, Gijon..

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