Size and stage specific patterns in Salpa thompsoni vertical migration

Vertical distribution and size-dependent migrations of the pelagic tunicate Salpa thompsoni were studied during late summer to early autumn (26th February – 15th March 2018) at contrasting hydrological stations over the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Indian Ocean). Vertical migrators, such as S. thompsoni, have potentially significant impacts on the biological pump because of their large swarms, high grazing/fecal pellet production rates and extensive vertical migrations. S. thompsoni were undergoing diel vertical migration from a daytime weighted mean depth of ~450 m to a night time weighted mean depth of ~100 m. Smaller blastozooids and oozoids were the strongest vertical migrators, while their larger counterparts did not show a consistent diel cycle in their vertical distribution. Strong vertical migrations of the smallest blastozooids and oozoids imply high predation pressure on these groups. This knowledge has implications in modelling salp contributions to the vertical passive and active carbon fluxes.


Salp, Diel vertical migration, Southern ocean, Salpa thompsoni, Kerguelen Plateau

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How to cite
Henschke Natasha, Cherel Yves, Cotté Cedric, Espinasse Boris, Hunt Brian P.V., Pakhomov Evgeny A. (2021). Size and stage specific patterns in Salpa thompsoni vertical migration. Journal Of Marine Systems. 222. 103587 (5p.).,

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