Deep-sea anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Ceratioidei) from off northeastern Brazil, with remarks on the ceratioids reported from the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone

Type Article
Date 2021
Language English
Author(s) Mincarone Michael MaiaORCID1, Afonso Gabriel Vinícius FelixORCID1, Di Dario FabioORCID1, Eduardo Leandro NoléORCID2, Frédou ThierryORCID2, 4, Lucena-Frédou FláviaORCID2, Bertrand ArnaudORCID3, Pietsch Theodore WellsORCID4
Affiliation(s) 1 : Instituto de Biodiversidade e Sustentabilidade, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. São José do Barreto, 764, 27965-045 Macaé, RJ, Brazil.
2 : Departamento de Pesca e Aquicultura, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manuel de Medeiros, s/n, 52171-900 Recife, PE, Brazil.
3 : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), MARBEC, Universidade Montpellier, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Sète, France.
4 : School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences and Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington, 1122 NE Boat St, 98195-5020 Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Source Neotropical Ichthyology (1679-6225) (FapUNIFESP (SciELO)), 2021 , Vol. 19 , N. 2 , P. e200151 (28p.)
DOI 10.1590/1982-0224-2020-0151
WOS© Times Cited 6
Keyword(s) Distribution, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Rocas Atoll, Seamounts, Taxonomy

The deep-sea anglerfishes of the suborder Ceratioidei (Lophiiformes) are represented by about 170 valid species with some of the most extraordinary morphological and reproductive adaptations among vertebrates, including extreme sexual dimorphism and male parasitism. Here we report on the diversity and distribution of rare ceratioids collected during the ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) expeditions off northeastern Brazil and the Fernando de Noronha Ridge (Rocas Atoll, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, and associated seamounts). Chaenophryne ramifera, Oneirodes anisacanthus, O. carlsbergi, Gigantactis watermani, and unidentified specimens of Caulophryne, Dolopichthys, and Rhynchactis are recorded for the first time in the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone. Ceratias uranoscopus, Melanocetus johnsonii, and Chaenophryne draco have their distributions extended in Brazilian waters. Caulophryne, O. anisacanthus, and G. watermani are also recorded for the first time in the western South Atlantic. The specimen of G. watermani reported here represents the third known specimen of the species, and variations of its escal anatomy in relation to the holotype are described. Based on specimens examined and a review of records in the literature, 20 species of the Ceratioidei, in addition to unidentified species of Caulophryne, Dolopichthys, and Rhynchactis, are confirmed in the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone.

Abstract <p>Os peixes-pescadores de profundidade da subordem Ceratioidei (Lophiiformes) s&atilde;o representados por cerca de 170 esp&eacute;cies v&aacute;lidas que apresentam algumas das adapta&ccedil;&otilde;es anat&ocirc;micas e reprodutivas mais extraordin&aacute;rias entre os vertebrados, incluindo extremo dimorfismo sexual e parasitismo masculino. No presente estudo reportamos sobre a diversidade e distribui&ccedil;&atilde;o de esp&eacute;cies raras de Ceratioidei coletadas durante as expedi&ccedil;&otilde;es ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) realizadas ao largo do nordeste do Brasil e na Cadeia de Fernando de Noronha (Atol das Rocas, Arquip&eacute;lago de Fernando de Noronha e montes submarinos associados). Chaenophryne ramifera, Oneirodes anisacanthus, O. carlsbergi, Gigantactis watermani e esp&eacute;cimes n&atilde;o identificados de Caulophryne, Dolopichthys e Rhynchactis s&atilde;o registrados pela primeira vez na Zona Econ&ocirc;mica Exclusiva brasileira. Ceratias uranoscopus, Melanocetus johnsonii e Chaenophryne draco tiveram suas distribui&ccedil;&otilde;es estendidas em &aacute;guas brasileiras. Caulophryne, O. anisacanthus e G. watermani tamb&eacute;m s&atilde;o registrados pela primeira vez no Atl&acirc;ntico Sul ocidental. O esp&eacute;cime de G. watermani reportado aqui representa o terceiro esp&eacute;cime conhecido da esp&eacute;cie, e varia&ccedil;&otilde;es anat&ocirc;micas de sua esca em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o &agrave; do hol&oacute;tipo s&atilde;o descritas. Com base nos esp&eacute;cimes examinados e na revis&atilde;o de registros na literatura, 20 esp&eacute;cies de Ceratioidei, al&eacute;m de esp&eacute;cies n&atilde;o identificadas de Caulophryne, Dolopichthys, and Rhynchactis, s&atilde;o confirmadas na Zona Econ&ocirc;mica Exclusiva brasileira.</p>
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Mincarone Michael Maia, Afonso Gabriel Vinícius Felix, Di Dario Fabio, Eduardo Leandro Nolé, Frédou Thierry, Lucena-Frédou Flávia, Bertrand Arnaud, Pietsch Theodore Wells (2021). Deep-sea anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Ceratioidei) from off northeastern Brazil, with remarks on the ceratioids reported from the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone. Neotropical Ichthyology, 19(2), e200151 (28p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :