Eutrophication along the french coasts

The French coasts exhibit two kiruJs of eutrophicati.on; the prolif erati.on of green macroa/gae (Ulva sp.) affects the very shallow Mediterranean /agoons as we/1 as a lot of widely open beaches in Brittany, whereas phytoplanktonic mass blooms are to be f ound in front of the large estuaries and in some Atlantic -embayments. Bath these types of eutrophicati.on seem to have increased during the fast twenty years, probably in relation with the increase of the nutrients /oadings from agriculture and sewage. However, the severity of eutrophicati.on is not on/y related to the absolute amount of /oadings. The local residence time of the waters, deduced from hydrodynamics, is a crucial parameter; numerica/ mode/s have highlighted the raie of tidal residua/ circulation. Reduction of eutrophicati.on requires a precise knowledge of the in-situ limiting nutrient. If green macroalgae are c/early nitrogen limited, phytoplankton may be either phosphorus or nitrogen limited. Ecological numerical mode/s may help to quanti/y the effects of various strategies of lowering the loadings of nutrients.

How to cite
Menesguen Alain (1990). Eutrophication along the french coasts. In Bart H., Fegan L. (Eds). 1990. Eutrophication-related phenomena in the Adriatic Sea and in other Mediterranean coastal zones. Proceedings of a workshop organised by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque of CNR and the Commission of the European Communities, and held in Rome, Italy, on 28-30 May 1990. ISSN 1018-5593, ISBN 2-87263-050-3. Water Pollution Research Report n°16. EU-NA-12978-EN-C. pp. 63-82. Publications Office of the EU.

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