Sediment migrations drive the dynamic of macrobenthic ecosystems in subtidal sandy bedforms

A traditional taxonomic approach coupled to a biological traits analysis was conducted in order to provide a new insight into macrobenthic communities associated with subtidal sandy environments. Results suggest that the macro-scale distribution of benthic communities is mainly driven by the migration rate of bedforms (sandbank, barchan dune and transversal dune) which changes the sediment grain size and reduces macrobenthic diversity. A classic scheme of species/traits succession was also observed from less to more physically disturbed areas. Finally, the high frequency of migration events homogenized macrobenthic communities between the troughs to the crest of bedforms. As bedforms areas are targeted for the commissioning of offshore windfarms the information provided by the present paper will be particularly useful to implement the environmental impact assessment required for such activities at sea.


Macrobenthos, Ecosystem functioning, Biological traits, Soft sediments, North Sea, Spatio-temporal variations, Sandy bedforms

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How to cite
Robert Alexandre, Quillien Nolwenn, Bacha Mahmoud, Caulle Clemence, Nexer Maelle, Parent Briz, Garlan Thierry, Desroy Nicolas (2021). Sediment migrations drive the dynamic of macrobenthic ecosystems in subtidal sandy bedforms. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 171. 112695 (12p.).,

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