Mangrove microbiota along the urban-to-rural gradient of the Cayenne estuary (French Guiana, South America): Drivers and potential bioindicators

The microbial communities inhabiting the Atlantic-East Pacific (AEP) mangroves have been poorly studied, and mostly comprise chronically polluted mangroves. In this study, we characterized changes in the structure and diversity of microbial communities of mangroves along the urban-to-rural gradient of the Cayenne estuary (French Guiana, South America) that experience low human impact. The microbial communities were assigned into 50 phyla. Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Planctomycetes were the most abundant taxa. The environmental determinants found to significantly correlated to the microbial communities at these mangroves were granulometry, dieldrin concentration, pH, and total carbon (TC) content. Furthermore, a precise analysis of the sediment highlights the existence of three types of anthropogenic pressure among the stations: (i) organic matter (OM) enrichment due to the proximity to the city and its wastewater treatment plant, (ii) dieldrin contamination, and (iii) naphthalene contamination. These forms of weak anthropogenic pressure seemed to impact the bacterial population size and microbial assemblages. A decrease in Bathyarchaeota, “Candidatus Nitrosopumilus”, and Nitrospira genera was observed in mangroves subjected to OM enrichment. Mangroves polluted with organic contaminants were enriched in Desulfobacteraceae, Desulfarculaceae, and Acanthopleuribacteraceae (with dieldrin or polychlorobiphenyl contamination), and Chitinophagaceae and Geobacteraceae (with naphthalene contamination). These findings provide insights into the main environmental factors shaping microbial communities of mangroves in the AEP that experience low human impact and allow for the identification of several potential microbial bioindicators of weak anthropogenic pressure.


Estuarine mangrove sediments, French Guiana, Low organic matter enrichment, Organochlorine contaminants, PAHs contamination

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Fiard Maud, Cuny Philippe, Sylvi Léa, Hubas Cédric, Jézéquel Ronan, Lamy Dominique, Walcker Romain, Houssainy Amonda El, Heimbürger-Boavida Lars-Eric, Robinet Tony, Bihannic Isabelle, Gilbert Franck, Michaud Emma, Dirberg Guillaume, Militon Cécile (2022). Mangrove microbiota along the urban-to-rural gradient of the Cayenne estuary (French Guiana, South America): Drivers and potential bioindicators. Science Of The Total Environment. 807 (Part. 1). 150667 (14p.).,

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